Saturday, November 12, 2011

A Toddler?

Ready for church!

 A lot has happened over the last several months. I will try to briefly get my blog back up to speed:
Josiah's birthday was August 20, he is almost 15-months now. He has grown so much, he is not a little baby anymore. He is walking and trying to talk, he just learned how to go down the stairs all by himself. Josiah has had 6 teeth for a long time now, he loves chomping down on cheerios and animal crackers.  He has been sleeping through the night for a good 8 months now we are so thankful. However, he's not very good at taking naps; I'd rather him sleep through the night.


 Some weeks it feels like he grows more than others, this past week he has just really hit a growth spurt. I just said he sleeps through the night and doesn't take very good naps.  This past week hasn't been that way. He frequently woke up in the middle of the night very upset, and then woke up super early every morning. Then during the day he took extremely long naps. Andy and I were pretty sure that it was all do to teething, especially since he has been biting everything in sight.  Last night we were doing our normal routine of putting on jammies, brushing teeth, and so on.  Since he has been teething we have been putting on teething gel to help the pain. While Andy was doing so he felt 3 little teeth popping through, poor little man.   Like I said we were certain that he was teething but to be getting multiple teeth at one time, no wonder he had such a hard week. With a sleepy, runny nosed, small appetite, not as playful toddler, it is a relief to see things getting back to normal. Last night we all slept soundly through the night and woke up a little before eight. YEAH!

Josiah loves to jibber jabber, he constantly walks around the house saying who knows what. Here are a few things that he says that we can sort of understand:

"sop" = stop this is what he says when he doesn't get his way, for example when I take something away from him.
"yip hom" = we have a year old yorkie named Chip that we are constantly telling to come so pretty sure he is saying "Chip come."
"baa yip" = bad chip another thing we say constantly to Chip for pooping and peeing in the house, and while saying this he tries to spank Chip. (lol oops) It is so cute, we really have to try not to laugh while we tell Josiah to be gentle with Chip.
"mawmmm" = mom
"hi daddy" = he says that really clear
"bee be" = "bye bye" he does say this while he is waving, however right now he rarely does this one.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Josiah is growing and discovering all the time. Since he learned how to army crawl he has been all over the place.
However yesterday he decided that he would learn how to do two major things all in one day. Now don't get me wrong he has been practicing both of the new talents. But he just has it all pretty well figured out in one day.
Josiah started crawling and he started pulling him self up on to things. I am not positive but I think that might spell double trouble.
I will get some pics up pretty soon. Thanks for reading my rambles!
Love Aubrey

Easter Bunny?

A few weeks ago before Easter as we were dozing off I heard something:
Aubrey: What was that?!? Did you hear that!?! I think there something upstairs!?!
Andy: Its nothing, its probably just cars driving by.
Aubrey: *gasp*
Andy: Stop freaking out this is a old house. Old houses make noises. I was already sleeping, everything is fine. Do you need a hug... whoa maybe I should check that.
Aubrey: I'll go, do you want me to go, I told you something is up there.
Andy: No no, calm down I will go up there.
Aubrey: Okay I am coming with you.
(All the lights get turned on in the house)
We got upstairs and no one was up there looked out the window no one seemed to be out side.
So we decided to check one more spot before going back to bed.
We looked in the basement window well and there we saw (AHHH) just kidding. It was a baby bunny, that got stuck in there. We decided that since we knew what it was we could fall to sleep and get him out in the morning. But at around 3am Andy couldn't sleep because that little thing. So we got him out, and since then we have seen a little bunny hopping around. We are pretty certain that it is our little visitor.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

As usual we have had a lot going on in the last couple of months.
Last month we remodeled our kitchen, we made a few improvements that just make it look so nice. I am so bad I don't have any really good pictures of the final product but I will hopefully get some very soon. Andy's parents came down to help us and we are so thankful for them.
Here are some before pictures, and some of the pictures of us working on it:

A week after we got the kitchen done Josiah and I headed to Kansas, for my Grandpa's 90th birthday party. I was such a good time I got to see lots of family, and I got to meet some family that I have never even met before and Josiah had a great time with his cousins.

 A couple other thing about Josiah:

       -  Last Sunday his first tooth broke through the skin. 
       -  He weighs 16.4 pounds and is getting more and more mobile every day. 

Friday, January 7, 2011

New Year!

Josiah started his first week of real food on Monday the 27th. He has been doing a great job, he is even getting the majority of the food in his mouth.
View belated C...jpg in slide show
The first couple of days we stuck with rice cereal, and even though he was doing a pretty good job at eating it we decided to try if he would like something else more. So we started on applesauce first, and he LOVED it. Then he decided he just didn't like rice cereal anymore. So of course as the chart said we kept giving him just apple sauce for three days to make sure that he was not allergic and then we tried some sweet peas. We kept following that pattern and since then he has had bananas, squash, and he has licked the spoon clean on all of them.
View belated C...jpg in slide show
Since eating real food we have had a lot more messy situations, so that calls for more baths. And he looks so cute in the bath I couldn't resist posting it everywhere. (this was in Gram's tub after he pooped all over himself) The duck that you see in the picture, he kicks and splashes until he can get it close to him. And then it will float away and he will do it all over again. It is so cute!
Josiah is teething right now, he has been pretty good during the day. He hasn't even been very grumpy, maybe a little more cuddley at times, but all and all pretty good. However when it is bed time that is when we have a little trouble. 
He's growing every day!  Loving Every minute of it!


Saturday, December 18, 2010

So I didn't take as many picture as I thought but here are the few that I did from the Hazelet Christmas.
Here is the setting of the table:

The beautiful Christmas tree with lots of gifts:
 Having fun with Auntie Michelle:
 Here is Aunt Megan and one of Josiah's dog cousins:
 After Christmas dinner snoozing with Gram, you know I need a good nap before opening all my fun gifts.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Stop and Go

The Monday after Thanksgiving Andy headed back to Cheyenne, and then left again to go to Estes Park with the rest of the Element pastors. While Josiah and I stayed in Houston with the Stewart gang.
At Thakgiving we had some great family time. And almost everyone got to hold  josiah while he was so sweetly sleeping.
Papa and Uncle Dave
I didn't get as many pic with Josiah and Mimi and Papa as I would have liked.

Here are some picture of playing outside in the back yard.
It wasn't as late as it looks. 
Black Friday is we took the kids to go get a picture with Santa, so they were in there Christmas outfits.
And then that night we opened gift from eachother. It was a very fun day!
Josiah and I are so Thankful that we got to have an extra week in Houston we had lots of fun.
After we got back on monday night we left Thursday afternoon to got visit all the Hazelet side to celebrate Christmas with everybody there. I don't have any pictures on my computer yet but I will soon.
Until next time!
Happy Holidays!