Saturday, September 25, 2010


Josiah turned five weeks old yesterday! I know everyone always tells you that your baby grows so fast, however personally I couldn't imagine Josiah getting bigger. He has grown so much in the last couple of weeks, I am really curious to see how much he has grown, and how much he weighs. And I still can't imagine him growing any bigger than he is right now. He is such a delight, even though he is having a hard time getting much sleep at night.
Grandpa Paul made Josiah a crib and a dresser for the nursery and we have been planning to decorate with Dr. Suess. Time has just gotten away from us and the artist who has been trying to come over and draw the theme on the walls has been booked. So last weekend he came over and drew it all up and then Sabrina and Jamie have been working on painting it for us the last couple of days. It is looking great and coming together fast. Pretty soon Josiah will be sleeping back in his room, with the coolest walls ever.

Hopefully I will added the finished product soon!